Fine adjustment is the act of directly adjusting the cable in the clutch fork (outer side) with the aid of the lock nut. This adjustment is made until the clutch pedal is correctly positioned (inner side) while adjusting the cable in order to promote proper distribution which helps the engagement movement and gear selection.
Yes, the Tuba Cabos application is totally free.
Have you bought the wrong cable? It is important to pay attention to the correct application of the product specified on the label that is tagged onto the package or in our APP (download here), electronic catalog (download here), or in our online catalog (Access Here). If you have purchased a product that does not correspond with your vehicle, it will be necessary that you contact the retailer who sold you the product to make the possible exchange according to the store policy. Just in case you need to ​​contact the factory, please our number is: +55 11 4168.3231 or email us at [email protected]. Get the main news: Follow us on social media: Facebook, Linkdin, Instagram and Twitter
Find out how to purchase our products! First of all, it is essential that you contact our sales department to be presented with our commercial policy if you have a distributor profile. If you do not fit the distributor profile we will indicate the closest distributors from your region. Keep up with our news. Follow us on social media: Facebook, Linkdin, Instagram and Twitter. Talk to us: +55 11 4161-2119 or [email protected].


Tuba Cabos has established this communication channel to answer possible questions that our customers might have regarding any product sold under our brand. If you have any questions about our control cables, please fill in the form below.

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